Inilah pokok bahasan kuliah BIOFISIKA:
- Lingkungan Fisik Organisme Manusia
- Pola interaksi organisme manusia dengan lingkungan fisiknya.
- Human Biostatics
- Human Biodynamics
- Bioelectricity dan Bio Electronics
- Biothermodynamics dan Bioenergetics
- Aplikasi Analisis Dimensional dalam Sistem Permukaan (Organisme Manusia)_Lingkungan Fisik
- Aplikasi Analisis Fourier dalam Sistem Permukaan (Organisme Manusia)_Lingkungan Fisik.
- Aplikasi Analisis Dimensional dalam Sistem Permukaan (Organisme Manusia)_Lingkungan Fisik.
- Aplikasi Analisis Sensitivitas dalam Sistem Permukaan (Organisme Manusia)_Lingkungan Fisik.
- Evapoclimatonomy dan Thermoclimatonomy.
- Ergonophysics
Anonim. 2007. Description of Biophysics. Springer. European Biophysics Journal, [cited 2007 Feb 5]. Available at: URL:
Blazejczyk, K. 2000. Assessment of Recreational Potential of
Bioclimatic Based on The Human Heat Balance.
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Campbell, G. S. 1977. An Introduction to Environmental Biophysics. New York :
Epstein, Y and Moran, D. S. 2006.
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L. 1988. The Physiological Basis of Physical Education and Athletics, 4th
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Havenith, G. 2004. Clothing Heat Exchange
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Havenith, G. 2001. Individualized Model of
Human Thermoregulation for the Simulation of heat stress response. Human Thermal
Environment Laboratory, Loughborough University. J Appl. Physiol., 90:1943-1954,
[cited 2007 Mar 5]. Available from: URL:
Havenith, G. 1999. Heat Balance when Wearing
Protective Clothing. Human Thermal
Environment Laboratory, Loughborough University. Ann.Occup.Hyg, 43(5):289-296, [cited 2007 Mar 5]. Available from:
Holman, J. P. 1986. Heat Transfer. Sixth Edition.
McGraw-Hill, Ltd. Diterjemahkan oleh E. Jasfi.
Perpindahan kalor. Jakarta: Penerbit Erlangga.
Holmer, I., Nilsson, H., Havenith, G.,
Parsons, K. 1999. Clothing Convective Heat Exchange―Proposal for Improved Prediction in Standards and Model, Ann.Occup.Hyg., 43(5):329-337, [cited
2007 Mar 5]. Available from: URL:
Monteith, J. L. and Unsworth, H. M. 1990. Principles of Environmental Physics. 2nd
ed. London: Edward Arnold.
Moran, D. S, Epstein, Y. 2006. Thermal Comfort and the Heat Stress Indices. Industrial Health: 44,
Philips, C. A. 2000. Human Factors Engineering. John Wiley $ Sons,
Inc. New York: 564p.
Snyder, R. L. 2001.
Conversions from Dew point and Air Temperature to other measure of
Humidity. Armospheric Science, University
of California , [cited
2005 May 8]. Available from: URL:
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